Some explanations about thematic concerts

Raphaël and Lilofee accumulated quite considerable material during more than five years of research on popular songs and ballads of Europe and other parts of the world, but also on compositions of singer-songwriters of the 20th and 21st centuries. Being good researchers, they categorized the collected themes by musical styles on the one hand, by themes of the lyrics on the other. From the issues that have arisen with this analytical work, they have proceeded to separate major themes that led them to think about the possibility of structuring concert programs based on some recurring themes. From there have emerged about 7 thematic concerts that cover a good part of the material collected:

1) Songs from the Seven Seas; 2) Drinking songs (generic concert “Drinking songs of Europe” and two concerts linked with precise dates: Oktoberfest and Saint Patrick’s Day; 3) Hallowe’en & Samhain Night and Mythological & Supernatural Beings (in one or two different concerts); 4) Love (and dislike) Songs and Ballads; 5) Songs for the Seasons; 6) Songs for thinking and acting.

You can check the pages dedicated to each of these thematic concerts, which are listed below.


List of thematic concerts

Songs from the Seven Seas:


Hallowe’en & Samhain Night:

Mythological & Supernatural Beings:

Love (and dislike) Songs and Ballads:

Songs for thinking and acting: