Violinist and multi-instrumentalist, although self-taught in terms of musical training, he has followed classes by Ricardo Talledo (violinist of the BOS, Bilbao Symphony Orchestra) and traditional violin courses in France by Didier Oliver and Luc-Charles Dominique (Occitan Conservatoire), who are two references in terms of traditional music.
Kike is a long-time musician who has performed and recorded with numerous renowned musical groups and singer-songwriters. With Sweet Winds he mainly plays the fiddle, the Irish bodhrán and the jews harp (mouth harp) in the Celtic-tinged programs such as the Irish Saint Patrick and the songs and ballads program of the pubs of Ireland, Scotland and other countries of Celtic culture.
As for the concerts –both in colaboration with Sweet Winds and with Lilofee (Germanic cultures)– he also plays the bowed psalterion and the rebec (rabel), as various percussions as the pandero, the cantara, the bendir and more… And is planning to introduce the nyckelharpa, magnificent instrument.

Groups and musicians he accompanied
He has been a member of the following groups
- Izeki Folk Taldea, basque and traditional folk with musicians from Biscay.
- Elai Alai, basque dance group from Portugalete.
- Andramari Dantza Taldea, basque dance group from Galdakao
- Ibarra-Kaldu Elkartea, basque dance group from Barakaldo.
- Urdingrass, american bluegrass band (songs in English and Euskera, members from Biscay).
- Urrumak, folk fusion band playing traditional and New Age music (members form Biscay).
- Féile, irish folk rock band with two english members, one irish musician and another basque one (first period). And in the second period all the members were from Biscay, Spain and Galicia.
- Lapios Center, Violin and Cello Orchestra (France), french traditional and european dances, with french and basque members.
- Ruaille Buaille, Celtic folk rock band, with basque, englih and galician members.
- M + K, celtic, basque, european and «country» folk music (members from Biscay).
- Arimak, Ancient Music and Renaissance music, basque and spanish members.

Songwriters he has accompanied

He has also collaborated with different songwriters and musicians, such as Joseba Gotzon (see: https://josebagotzon.com/es/) and Iñaki Basabe (Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inaki.basabebolivar) wich he currently collaborates.
He has participated in the recordings of the following albums:
- Izeki, Geldiro Datorkit Ur Berria, 1986.
- Elai Alai, Argi Azkorrian, 1989.
- UrdinGrass, Urdingrass, 1993.
- Urrumak, Urrumak, 1995.
- Féile, Féile, 2004.
- He also participated in recordings of the short film Asbestos in 2007.
- Ruaille-Buaille, Ruaille-Buaille (pronounced Rula-Bula), 2009.
- Ruaille-Ruaille, Blue Jig, 2011.
- Ruaille-Ruaille, Bon Temps, 2014.
- M + K (Mikel + Kike), Contrastes, 2014.
- Iñaki Basabe (songwriter), Bilbainadas 2021, 2021.