A great concert by Sweet Winds
The concert was performed for the first time at Saint Patrick 2017 in Berango,Biscay, Basque Country). In 2021, due to the Coronavirus crisis a version of the concert was performed online from home in our old basque farm in Arratia (Biscay), in collaboration with the pub The Quiet Corner (Areatza-Villaro, Biscay). A presentation for a restricted audience was presented afterwards in the pub The Quiet Corner.
The mixture of European songs with songs from the Celtic world gives his concert a unique flavor and a great originality.
Lilofee and Raphaël have chosen some themes from three other musical projects – their general program of European songs and ballads, the European drinking songs concerts and some songs from the Lilofee’s German Oktoberfest concert – to establish the basis of a program specifically focused on the celebration of the Saint Patrick’s Day (Saint Patrick’s Day). To this already consistent base, they have added some new songs from the Celtic world, from Ireland, Scotland, and Brittany. The recital includes songs in English, German, French, and Lilofee dares to sing some songs in Gaelic languages (Ireland and Scotland).
Since 2022, the musical program has changed deeply.

New extended program since 2022
2022: Collaboration with the fiddler Kike Pérez

The collaboration of Kike Peréz –violinist (fiddler) and multi-instrumentalist– from 2022 onwards changes and widens the musical program and now allows Sweet Winds to propose two specifics contents: one more centered only in the Irish Saint Patrick’s Day and another one more extended , based on their first program, with songs and ballads from the Celtic countries of the British Isles but also from other countries with Celtic influences.
Since 2023, new band with accordionist Julen Murga Olabegoya and female singer and percussionist Zilan

The six regions widely considered Celtic nations are Brittany (Breizh), Cornwall (Kernow), Ireland (Éire), the Isle of Man (Mannin, or Ellan Vannin), Scotland (Alba), and Wales (Cymru).[1][2] In each of the six nations a Celtic language is spoken to some extent: Brittonic or Brythonic languages are spoken in Brittany (Breton), Cornwall (Cornish), and Wales (Welsh), whilst Goidelic or Gaelic languages are spoken in Scotland (Scottish Gaelic), Ireland (Irish), and the Isle of Man (Manx).
The concert has a more well-designed format to listen and enjoy, and is suitable not only for pubs but also for cafés-theaters, small and medium-sized theaters and concert halls. For small venues, Sweet Winds usually brings its own complete PA system and condenser or dynamic high quality microphones.
Wayback: Background and "case history"

Raphaël and Celtic music
Since 1972 to 1985 Raphaël with his Latin-American music duo “Rafael & Regina“ tours around France, Switzerland, Germany, Italy and Northern Spain. In France, he has performed many concerts in Brittany between 1978 and 1985, first with the duo and later as soloist. During this time he was in close contact with Celtic music and met many Breton musicians, singers and poets as Alan Stivell, Dan Ar Braz, the brothers Molard, Yann Goasdoué (Diaouled ar Menez), Manu Lannhuel, Youenn Gwernig (Yves Guernic), Glenmor (Émile Le Scanve also known as Milig ar Skañv in Breton language), the poet and writer Xavier Grall , the poet and writer Yan Balinec, and so on… He also meet english, irish and scottish musicians, especially John Kirkpatrick and Andy Irvine (former musician of Planty). Some of these artists have remained close friends.